Anthropogenic Rock Coating chalking, graffiti, exhaust, dust, other 2 Anthropogenic Cutting carving, chiseling, bullet impact... Notations on Rock Coatings these notes do not alter the Index Score, but are useful in analyzing a site's context 4 Trash no Fissures Dependent on lithification bedding, foliations yes Salt efflorescence or subflorescence documentary GeoNames Granular Disintegration frequently sandstone and granite 1 Rock Weakness Modified Moh's Hardness: 0 = quartz scratch/can't scratch; 1 = knife blade scratch; 2 = penny scratch; 3 = fingernail scratch uncertain 1 Scaling fist-sized; thicker than flaking Assessment Test Weakness of the Edifice/Facade/Dressed Stone Impending or Future Loss Other Forms of increment erosion (e.g., insects, birds) Splintering (Small Erosion) following stone structure and oblique to stone surface Natural Process Type Other Natural Causes of break off wedgework of roots, earthquakes, intersection of fractures, ... Google Earth Loss parallel to stone structure layers "peeling" from stone surface parallel to bedding plane Assessment Date Date assessment was performed Anthropogenic Activities Graffiti 0 Carbonate showing on the stone surface, NOT part of rock Visitor Impact e.g., dust, road proximity Person to Place Link 4 Undercutting larger than scaling U Place to Place Link 3 1 Evidence of Large Erosion Events On and Around the Edifice/Facade/Dressed Stone Large Losses, Already Occurred Rock Coating Detachment usually incomplete; includes paint material and "leafing" in inscriptions banding, concretions -2 Fissuresol future location of break-off Uncorroborated Information 3 3 Other concerns (e.g., water flow, pollution, foot traffic, etc.) Oxidation rusting on the stone surface Rock Varnish desert varnish Anthropogenic Joints/Joining mortar work Lithobiont pitting Site Setting Overarching Geologic Features Rock Type Rock Coatings on the Edifice/Facade/Dressed Stone Plant growth near or on facade Draft Earliest Surviving Record Greg Pope Undercutting (Large Erosion) larger than scaling 0 N -1 Iron Film Joseph Hayes Dawn Hayes -3 Droppings Roots 2 Seismic Classification According to the Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (2019), (on a scale of 1 - 4, with 1 representing the greatest risk for strong seismic activity) Changes in textural anomolies (banding, concretions) 2 Assessment Splintering following stone structure and oblique to stone surface Fissures Independent of stone lithification pressure release, calcrete wedging Fire Lithobionts e.g., lichen Land use issues (e.g., livestock, off-road vehicles) unknown Natural processes that are a major concern to you Weathering-rind development Evidence of Small Erosion Events On the Edifice/Facade/Dressed Stone Incremental Lossess, Already Occurred Assessment Test Score Value Pollution archaeological Alveolization honeycombed appearance Abrasion from sediment transport by water; plants rubbing; people leaning/scratching on facade Flaking single or multiple - centimeter to a few inches in size Textural anomoly features erode differentially clay lenses, cementation differences, nodules Fissuresol (Large Erosion) calcrete wedging, dust in fissuresol, or both Case Hardening hardened outer shell Y Assessment Concern Highlighting Vandalism and other issues Crumbly disintegration in groups of grains or powdery 0 Dust Coatings ? Anthropogenic Fissures mortar work Rock Coating Present Yes Handheld GPS Other Vandalism Reviewed Rounding and/or blurring of carved edges or inscriptions Max Wilson Scaling and Flaking future location of centimeter to half meter size diameter No